Lots of Fall and Halloween Activities at the Library This Week!

We have a lot going in the next week!

Saturday, the 21st- we’ll be at the Nortonville Fall Festival, in the park, with children’s games from 1:30pm-4pm Nortonville Fall Festival | Facebook

Sunday, the 22nd- we’re making Coraline dolls at 3pm! Check out the event page and RSVP if you’d like to attend (free and open to teens and adults) Coraline Dolls for Teens and Adults | Facebook

Tuesday, the 24th-A witchy Storytime at 10am

our 3rd annual Frankentoys event at 2pm Third Annual Frankentoys Event! | Facebook

and our October Book Club Chat at 5:30pm October Book Chat- The Change by Kirsten Miller | Facebook

Lots of fall and Halloween fun!

Teen Life Skills: Cooking Registration

For our teen cooking workshops this month, we will be requiring registration with three easy questions that will help us immensely. Please share if you know teens or parents of teens who are interested!

Register through the Google Form.

Classes are free and will be held at 2:00pm Fridays July 7, 14, and 21 (note time change from original summer reading schedule). Teens must be registered in advance; if they are not, there is no guarantee that there will be supplies/ingredients for them or that they will be able to participate. 

If a teen is registered and plans change, please let us know as soon as possible that they are unable to attend any of the Fridays they are signed up for. 

All three Fridays are not required but if a teen does attend all three, they will be receiving a special gift at the end of the third session. 

Teen Writing Workshop Tomorrow at 1pm!

Don’t forget that tomorrow, Helen Dunlap Newton, author of Night of the Amber Moon and Do Your Hear What I Hear?, will be talking to our teens (6th grade and up) and leading them through a writing workshop! She’ll also be holding a writing contest for them that will conclude in early July. The workshop is from 1:00-2:30 tomorrow (Wednesday)!