Book Review: Creep by Jennifer Hillier

CREEP (207x320)Jennifer Hillier makes her fiction debut with Creep, a thriller sure to keep you on the edge of your seat.

Dr. Sheila Tao, professor of psychology, doesn’t know what she is in for when she ends a months long affair with her teaching assistant, Ethan Wolfe. Newly engaged to an investment banker, Sheila’s conscience steers her toward this decision. Ethan isn’t accustomed to being turned down and his obsession with her grows. A cat-and-mouse game begins with blackmail and threats. While evading Ethan’s determined will, one of her students is found stabbed to death. Can she escape his clutches without her colleagues or her fiance’ discovering her most intimate secrets?

At first, you might believe you know where this novel is going, but don’t write it off so easily. The surprising end has an unexpected twist. So, cancel your plans and settle in because this book is difficult to put down.

Book Review: Trapped by Michael Northrop

Reviewed by Marjorie Belveal for Young Adults

Scotty, a fifteen year old sophomore has two thing on his mind, Krista and basketball, and attends high school in the middle of nowhere. As the snow starts falling in the morning, students wait for school to be cancelled. This does not happen and by the time school dismisses for the day,  there were blizzard conditions. At the end of the day, seven students waited for rides from their parents, including Scotty. No one came for them. There was no cell phone service, lights, heat or water. This is a story of seven people, not really friends, coming together to survive. It was as if no one knew they were there. With Scotty telling this story, I felt as if I was there with them. At the end, I felt there were some issues left unsolved, but I liked the book because the students were able to work together with minimal disagreements.