Adult Craft-Gourd Birdhouses(Sunday group)

We’re making birdhouses out of dried gourds! Thanks to a couple of generous donations, we have lots of gourds to go around, so we’ll have a group on Sunday for those that wanted to participate but couldn’t make the Wednesday time.

Any extra gourds that we have leftover, we’ll be painting to try to sell at our Junkfest booth on Oct. 8. So even if you are coming one day to make your own, if you’d like to come by the library the other day (or any time we’re open!) and make one to sell, that would be amazing!

Book Club library activities summer reading

Summer Reading 2022 Survey

The summer reading survey is ready! Please fill it out…it helps us so much, and it’s quick. Promise!

Adult Craft Night-Tile Mosaics

August is a busy month, but if you can get away for a couple hours, come join us for a fun craft night. We’re using wooden plaques (ovals or rectangles, your choice) and glass tile pieces to make mosaics. Free as always, but please RSVPĀ  to secure your spot!