Adult Paint Night: Sunrise Beach Bike

Nortonville Public Library 407 Main St, Nortonville, KS, United States

Follow along with a virtual paint instructor to create your own "Sunrise Beach Bike" painting. All skill levels welcome, we don't judge!! Free and open to teens and adults. Please RSVP to secure a spot.  


Adult Craft Night: Paint By Numbers

Nortonville Public Library 407 Main St, Nortonville, KS, United States

Join us for another relaxing, low pressure craft night with chatting and painting by numbers! We have several gorgeous travel scenes and landscape paintings to choose from. Free and open to teens and adults. Please RSVP to secure a spot.


Master Gardener Info Session

Nortonville Public Library 407 Main St, Nortonville, KS, United States

If you love to garden, then we have the perfect opportunity for you!K-State’s Extension Master Gardener (EMG) Course consists of 40 hours of training with K-State specialists, followed by 40 hours of environmental volunteer work in your community. Join us for a meet and greet and informational session to learn more about the program and […]


Adult Paint Night: Sunset Campfire

Nortonville Public Library 407 Main St, Nortonville, KS, United States

Follow along with a virtual paint instructor to create your own "Sunset Campfire" painting. All skill levels welcome, we don't judge!! Open to teens and adults.


May Book Club Chat

Nortonville Public Library 407 Main St, Nortonville, KS, United States

This month, we're reading Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson. We'll have drinks and snacks, and everyone is welcome! We have physical copies of the book to check out, and the free audiobook is available on Hoopla.


End of School Year Celebration

Nortonville Public Library 407 Main St, Nortonville, KS, United States

It's that time again already! School's nearly out for summer and we're going to celebrate. Join us for snacks, snow cones, movies, and a special craft. If it's a nice day, we'll have some outside fun, too! Starts at 2:00pm.


Craft Night Fundraiser

Nortonville Public Library 407 Main St, Nortonville, KS, United States

We are squeezing in a special adult event before summer reading kicks off in early June! We're hosting a special craft night fundraiser with TWO project choices (wooden sign decor OR summer wreaths with mesh, ribbon or flowers) and snacks and drinks provided! We're just asking for a $5 donation that will go straight into […]


Annual Plant and Book Sale

Nortonville Public Library 407 Main St, Nortonville, KS, United States

it's time again for our Annual Plant and Book Sale! This is one of the library's two big fundraisers for the year, and all money raised goes to this year's summer reading program. This year, we'll have "personal shopping." Fill out a form (online or on paper) with which categories of books you'd like and […]

April Book Club Chat

Nortonville Public Library 407 Main St, Nortonville, KS, United States

We're discussing The Reading List by Sara Nisha Adams in April! The book is available for free in audio and ebook form or contact us for a physical copy. Everyone is welcome for an informal chat, snacks, and drinks!


Annual Petting Zoo and Easter Fun!

Nortonville Public Library 407 Main St, Nortonville, KS, United States

It's Easter time, and that means we're having our Annual Petting Zoo immediately following the Nortonville Easter Egg Hunt! The event is free and open to everyone. We'll have a variety of baby animals to see and pet, plus Easter activities for all ages. Beginning around 10:30 am until the library closes at noon (or […]


March Craft Night-Yarn Wrapped Wall Art

Nortonville Public Library 407 Main St, Nortonville, KS, United States

For our March Adult Craft Night, we going to be making these super fun and unique pieces of wall art! Each one will be completely different than the next, because you'll choose your color(s), word, and design. It's free--RSVP for yourself and your friends to secure a spot! Teens and adults welcome.  


March Adult Paint Night

Nortonville Public Library 407 Main St, Nortonville, KS, United States

Join us for a relaxed evening of painting and chatting. We'll be painting "Periwinkle Pig." All skill levels welcome, this is a no judgement zone! Teens and adults may participate.
