
We bring you more news about the library! We will be operating from June 2nd-June 30th under the following guidelines.

We will be open our normal operating hours.

You no longer need to make an appointment to come in to the library. However, only 15 people in the library will be allowed at a time, including employees.

Additionally, your time in the library will be limited to 20 minutes, and you are only allowed 1 visit per day.

While in the library, you must practice social distancing and remain 6 feet apart at all times.

We strongly encourage you to wear a mask when you visit the library.

Along with this, we will have a sign-in sheet employees will use to track patrons who visit the library to ensure that everyone adheres to the 20 minute time limit.

We are opening up 2 computers for use at this time. You must call to make an appointment to use the computers and you will be limited to 20 minutes. You are only allowed one 20 minute time slot per day.

Our courier/Inter library loan service is back up and running so we will be able to get your requested item from other libraries.

The restrooms will still be closed to the public.

We also ask that you do not carry borrowed items into the library to return. Instead, please use black return bin that is in the vestibule inside the door on the north side of the library.

We will have information coming out soon about the summer reading program!

Once again we thank you for your patronage, help, and understanding!
The Library Staff and Board