Library Giving Day

#LibraryGivingDay is a one-day fundraising event with the goal of encouraging people who depend on and enjoy public libraries to donate to their local library. And in turn, that support will go toward the programs, services and materials provided by local libraries all over the country.

This year, our goal at the Nortonville library is to raise $500 to help fund a new series of life skills classes/workshops for teens and young adults. Every little bit helps! You can donate directly to the library or use this link and choose “Nortonville Public Library” to make a credit or debit card donation to us. All donations made at the link come straight to us when you choose our library in the dropdown menu.

library activities

It’s Frankentoys Time Again!

Next Tuesday at 1:00, when the kids are out of school, we’re having our second annual FRANKENTOYS event! We will have stuffed animal/doll parts to put together, plus (not scary) Halloween movies and snacks. The “tools” the kids/teens use to put their creatures together will depend on their skill levels….there will be needles and thread, duct tape, safety pins etc. If your child needs a lot of help, please send them with a teen or adult, as we will probably have a large group to assist.

If you have stuffies or dolls that you no longer need/want, we’d love to take them! You can drop them off in the entryway or city hall if the library isn’t open. Or, if a high schooler you know needs community service, send them our way! It takes a village, THANK YOU!

Here are some pictures from last year’s event:

Ugly Sweater Party

Teens and adults, come hang out at the library while we eat, drink, maybe watch a movie, and decorate our own tacky holiday sweatshirts (provided). Please RSVP so we have enough supplies!