4th Annual Frankentoys Event

When the kids are out of school, we’re having our fourth annual FRANKENTOYS event! We will have stuffed animal/doll parts to put together, plus (not scary) Halloween movies and snacks. The “tools” the kids/teens use to put their creatures together will depend on their skill levels….there will be needles and thread, duct tape, safety pins etc. If your child needs a lot of help, please send them with a teen or adult, as we will probably have a large group to assist.
If you have stuffies or dolls that you no longer need/want, we’d love to take them! You can drop them off in the entryway or city hall if the library isn’t open. Or, if a high schooler you know needs community service, send them our way! It takes a village, THANK YOU!
library activities

State Library eCard Account Access Will Be Down August 19-25

Get your Kansas Library eCard or renew it today! Starting on August 19 through August 25 librarians cannot access eCard accounts. During this time the State Library of Kansas will be updating technology and the eCard system. Current eCards will work during the transition.

Digital books, learning platforms and other statewide resources will remain the same and continue to work during the transition. Call, message, or see library staff to learn more about the Kansas Library eCard.

Atlas Education Animal Visit

Atlas Education is coming to visit, and they’re bringing their animal friends!! Join us for a free, fun event during which you’ll learn about all kinds of reptiles and amphibians (including some we haven’t met before), and pet or hold them (only if you want!).
There are a couple of waivers to fill out, so plan to come a few minutes early! Children do need to be accompanied by an older teen or adult.