Annual Plant and Book Sale

it’s time again for our Annual Plant and Book Sale! This is one of the library’s two big fundraisers for the year, and all money raised goes to this year’s summer reading program.

This year, we’ll have “personal shopping.” Fill out a form (online or on paper) with which categories of books you’d like and how many, and we’ll choose a selection of them for you ahead of time! Details to come.

Of course, we’ll also have a huge selection of books to browse for $0.25 each, DVDs, video games, and puzzles for $1 each, or a “fill a bag” option for $5, and plants! Garden fruits and veggies, annuals, perennials, succulents, and houseplants, all priced low and ready to go home with you or be gifted to someone special.Of course, we’ll also have a huge selection of books to browse for $0.25 each, DVDs, video games, and puzzles for $1 each, or a “fill a bag” option for $5, and plants! Garden fruits and veggies, annuals, perennials, succulents, and houseplants, all priced low and ready to go home with you or be gifted to someone special. And, if you have more of a black thumb than green, we’ll have crocheted plants as well….MUCH harder to kill those. You will definitely not want to miss this big event at the library!!

library activities summer reading

Teen Life Skills: Cooking Registration

For our teen cooking workshops this month, we will be requiring registration with three easy questions that will help us immensely. Please share if you know teens or parents of teens who are interested!

Register through the Google Form.

Classes are free and will be held at 2:00pm Fridays July 7, 14, and 21 (note time change from original summer reading schedule). Teens must be registered in advance; if they are not, there is no guarantee that there will be supplies/ingredients for them or that they will be able to participate. 

If a teen is registered and plans change, please let us know as soon as possible that they are unable to attend any of the Fridays they are signed up for. 

All three Fridays are not required but if a teen does attend all three, they will be receiving a special gift at the end of the third session. 

library activities summer reading

We Need Volunteers for the Summer Reading Program!

We are in need of volunteers for summer reading (as always)! This year, we have an application for teens to fill out if they’re interested in volunteering.

A few things to note:

-it’s a quick turnaround….we need the applications back by May 17th (either emailed to or dropped off at the library)

-Applicants must be 13 years old by June 2, 2023

-There will be a mandatory orientation for volunteers, dates TBD but there will be options to choose to attend

-Scheduling will be totally flexible…applicants will let us know how much or how little they’d like to help and we’ll work around their schedules)

-Volunteers will receive a t-shirt and a special gift at the end of the summer

-Volunteers can still participate in the summer reading program and earn prizes

-Any hours a volunteer works at the library can go towards community service hours at JCN for the 2023-24 school year

I know it’s a lot of info! Let us know if you have any questions.