library activities summer reading

Do You Have Our Free App Yet, myLIBRO?

Just like last year, you are able to log reading and activities for the Summer Reading on our app, myLibro! If you need help or have questions, contact us. And if you don’t have our app yet, it’s free and it’s awesome! Just search for “myLibro” and choose Nortonville Public Library. You’ll log in with your library card number and pin (which we can change here if you don’t remember it).

You’ll have your account, checkouts, and holds, the whole library catalog to search and place holds on, plus our latest facebook posts and events, and the summer reading logs, all in one place! You can even manage other library cards in the app and toggle between accounts.

library activities summer reading

The Summer Reading Activities Calendars Are Here!

Check out all of the exciting things we have planned for the summer! Mailers will be going out and available to pick up very soon. Many of these will be events on our Facebook page as well.

Don’t forget that we’re also in need of teen volunteers for the summer! See this post for details.

End of School Year Celebration

It’s that time again already! School’s nearly out for summer and we’re going to celebrate. Join us for snacks, snow cones, movies, and a special craft. If it’s a nice day, we’ll have some outside fun, too! Starts at 2:00pm.