Annual Petting Zoo and Easter Activities

It’s Easter time, and that means we’re having our Annual Petting Zoo immediately following the Nortonville Easter Egg Hunt! The event is free and open to everyone. We’ll have a variety of baby animals to see and pet, plus Easter activities for all ages. Beginning around 10:30 am until the library closes at noon.

Adult Craft Night-Wine Cork Trivets or Memo Boards

Craft night is back! It’s been a long winter, but we’re looking forward to crafting with adults again. The program is free and supplies are provided, but an RSVP is strongly recommended. You have the option to make a trivet/coasters or a memo/bulletin board out of wine corks.

December Book Club Chat

This month, we’re reading and chatting about Tis the (damn) Season by Fiona Gibson. You can find the audiobook and ebook for free on Hoopla or request a copy at the library. December is our “potluck” holiday party, so feel free to bring a snack or drink to share!