August Book Club Chat: The American Queen by Vanessa Miller

This month, we’re reading The American Queen by Vanessa Miller. Check out a physical copy at the library or find the audiobook or ebook on the free Hoopla app then come discuss it with us while we eat and drink and have fun!


June Book Club Chat

For our first book of the adventurous summer, we’re reading West with the Night by Beryl Markham. Audiobook and ebook available for free on Hoopla, or get a physical copy from the library. Everyone is welcome!

library activities summer reading

The Summer Reading Activities Calendars Are Here!

Check out all of the exciting things we have planned for the summer! Mailers will be going out and available to pick up very soon. Many of these will be events on our Facebook page as well.

Don’t forget that we’re also in need of teen volunteers for the summer! See this post for details.