December Book Club Chat

This month, we’re reading and chatting about Tis the (damn) Season by Fiona Gibson. You can find the audiobook and ebook for free on Hoopla or request a copy at the library. December is our “potluck” holiday party, so feel free to bring a snack or drink to share!


November Book Club Chat: You Belong Here Now

This month, we’re reading and chatting about You Belong Here Now by Dianna Rostad. You can find the audiobook and ebook for free on Hoopla or request a copy at the library. We always have refreshments, and anyone is welcome to join!

Sept Book Club Chat: The Body in the Bookstore

This month, we’re reading The Body in the Bookstore by Ellie Alexander. Check out a physical copy at the library or find the audiobook on the free Hoopla app then come discuss it with us while we eat and drink and have fun!