In November, we’re reading and chatting about Wrong Place, Wrong Time by Gillian McAllister. Find it free on Hoopla or get a copy from the library.
We have a lot going in the next week!
Saturday, the 21st- we’ll be at the Nortonville Fall Festival, in the park, with children’s games from 1:30pm-4pm Nortonville Fall Festival | Facebook
Sunday, the 22nd- we’re making Coraline dolls at 3pm! Check out the event page and RSVP if you’d like to attend (free and open to teens and adults) Coraline Dolls for Teens and Adults | Facebook
Tuesday, the 24th-A witchy Storytime at 10am
our 3rd annual Frankentoys event at 2pm Third Annual Frankentoys Event! | Facebook
and our October Book Club Chat at 5:30pm October Book Chat- The Change by Kirsten Miller | Facebook
Lots of fall and Halloween fun!