Total Boox

Available exclusively for mobile devices, Total Boox is a service provided by the State Library of Kansas. It give users the ability to download free ebooks. It take moments to set up and you can load as many books as you like to your Kindle Fire, Android, or Apple device.

To use this great service, you need to contact us for a free Kansas Library Card number. From there, you download the app for your device and make your selections. Titles range from Minecraft guides to adult fiction/nonfiction. It is amazing how many titles are available, with no limits. They stay on your device until you decide otherwise.

Not only does your Kansas Library Card number provide you access to this service, but also online encyclopedias, genealogy databases, children’s ebooks, audiobooks, health information and more. Check it out at You can only access the resources with a Kansas Library Card number, but you are free to browse to see if it is right for you.

Remember, these services belong to you, as a Kansas resident, paid for with your state and federal tax dollars.


HOOPLA updates

Are you using HOOPLA? It is a service, accessible by using your library card. that lends movies, ebooks, music downloads and more. Recently, they added the ebook portion of this experience, along with DC comic books. To download two free items per month, go to Set up an account by choosing the Nortonville Public LIbrary as your home library. You will need your library card number, as well as the 4 digit pin you chose when your account was set up. If you have forgotten this information, please stop by the library and we will be happy to help.  To work, your account must be in good standing.

eBooks and Audiobooks

Use a Kansas library card number, available from your local library, to download free ebooks and audiobooks from the Kansas State Library. Simply go to and choose from OneClickdigital Audiobooks, Freading ebooks, Tumblebooks ebooks for children or 3M Cloud Library ebooks. These resources are free to any Kansas resident. For more information, contact your local library.