Nortonville Public Library Summer Schedule

June 2020

June 13, Saturday, 10:30am: Summer Reading Kick-Off. Sign up begins. We will have refreshments and prizes while learning about the Summer Reading Program.

June 17, Wednesday, 3:00pm: Grab & Go Catapult Kits. Come get a kit to build your very own catapult.

June 18, Thursday, 3:00pm: Grab & Go Kite Kits. Come get a kit to build your very own kite.

June 19, Friday, 3pm: Chalk Art!Come make your own masterpiece.

June 24, Wednesday, 3:00pm: Cardboard Forts. We supply materials, come make your own fort.

June 24, Wednesday, 6:30pm: Library Board Meeting.

June 25, Thursday, 3:00pm: Grab & Go Sunflower Kits. Get ready yo plant your own sunflower and watch it grow.

June 26, Friday, 6:00pm: Outdoors Movie Night. This movie will be rated PG-13. Anyone younger than 13 must have their parent sign a permission form to attend the movie. Call for movie information. Refreshments will be served.

July 2020

July 1, Wednesday, 3:00pm: Fairy Mud!Come play in the mud.

July 2, Thursday, 3:00pm: Game Day. Come play games and win prizes.

July 3, Friday, 3:00pm: Castle Defense. Two teams one build up the castle the other knocks it down.

July 4, Saturday: We are CLOSED for Independence Day.

July 7, Tuesday: 10:00am Preschool Storytime. Stories, treats, movement, songs, and more.

July 8, Wednesday, 3:00pm: Treasure Hunt. Follow the clues and find your treasure.

July 9, Thursday, 3:00pm:Water Balloon Art. Might be a little messy as we throw colored water at canvases

July 10, Friday, 3:00pm: Bingo @ The Library. Prizes, prizes, prizes!

July 14, Tuesday, 10:00am: Preschool Storytime. Stories, treats, movement, songs, and more.

July 15, Wednesday, 3:00pm: Water Games. Prepare to get wet at the library.

July16, Thursday, 3:00pm: Outdoors Movie Night. This movie will be rated PG-13. Anyone younger than 13 must have their parent sign a permission form to attend the movie. Call for movie information. Refreshments.

July 17, Friday, 3:00pm: Ice Cream In a Bag. Make a cold treat

July 21, Tuesday, 10:00am: Preschool Storytime. Stories, treats, movement, songs, and more.

July 22, Wednesday, 3:00pm: Kick Ball! We will meet the Nortonville ball field.

July 23, Thursday, 6:00pm: LEGO Day. Use your creativity to complete a challenge or make something uniquely yours.

July 24, Friday, 3:00pm: It’s a Wrap! End of Summer Reading Party. Refreshments will be served. Grand prize drawings at 4:00pm. Door prizes.

July 29, Wendnesday, 6:30pm: Library Board Meeting.


We bring you more news about the library! We will be operating from June 2nd-June 30th under the following guidelines.

We will be open our normal operating hours.

You no longer need to make an appointment to come in to the library. However, only 15 people in the library will be allowed at a time, including employees.

Additionally, your time in the library will be limited to 20 minutes, and you are only allowed 1 visit per day.

While in the library, you must practice social distancing and remain 6 feet apart at all times.

We strongly encourage you to wear a mask when you visit the library.

Along with this, we will have a sign-in sheet employees will use to track patrons who visit the library to ensure that everyone adheres to the 20 minute time limit.

We are opening up 2 computers for use at this time. You must call to make an appointment to use the computers and you will be limited to 20 minutes. You are only allowed one 20 minute time slot per day.

Our courier/Inter library loan service is back up and running so we will be able to get your requested item from other libraries.

The restrooms will still be closed to the public.

We also ask that you do not carry borrowed items into the library to return. Instead, please use black return bin that is in the vestibule inside the door on the north side of the library.

We will have information coming out soon about the summer reading program!

Once again we thank you for your patronage, help, and understanding!
The Library Staff and Board


We bring you good news about the library! In light of Governor Kelly’s announcement about lifting the Shelter in Place order, we have decided to open back up. We will be operating from May 5th-May 31st under the hours listed below as well as the guidelines that follow.

We will be open the following hours:
Tuesday 9-12
Wednesday 12-3 and 5-8
Thursday 1-4
Friday 3-6
Saturday 9-12

If you would like to come in, we recommend you call during these hours to make an appointment. Walk-ins will be permitted if traffic allows: Only 9 people in the library will be allowed at a time including employees.

Additionally, your time in the library will be limited to 20 minutes, and you are only allowed 1 visit per day.

While in the library, you must practice social distancing and remain 6 feet apart at all times.

We strongly encourage you to wear a mask when you visit the library.

Along with this, we will have a sign-in sheet employees will use to track patrons who visit the library to ensure that everyone adheres to the 20 minute time limit.

However, although we are opening, we are not allowing any computer use at this time.

The restrooms will also be closed to the public.

We also ask that you do not carry borrowed items into the library to return. Instead, please use black return bin that is in the vestibule inside the door on the north side of the library.

We are happy to be opening, and we hope you come in and see us. Please understand that we are taking these precautions to keep everyone safe.

If you have any Lysol, Lysol wipes, isopropyl alcohol, hand sanitizer or paper towels that you are willing to donate to the library, we would greatly appreciate them. We will have a box for you to place donated items in next to the return bin in the vestibule.

Thank you for your patronage, help, and understanding!
The Library Staff and Board