Book Reviews

Book Review – The Ultimate Cheapskate’s Road Map to True Riches by Jeff Yeager

Jeff Yeager has been deemed the Ultimate Cheapskate for many reasons including claiming the free meal in a buy one get one free deal and making a doggie bag out of not only his own leftovers, but also everyone else’s at the table. However, in this book Jeff makes some great points.

 If you are looking for a list of hints to help you SAVE money, this is not a book for you. Instead it concentrates on not spending money in the first place. It emphasizes living within your means and staying at that level instead of raising your standard of living with each pay raise. It gives us hope that we may enjoy our later years without worries over money.

Ideas to reduce spending are woven into the text.  For instance, inventory your toiletries closet and make sure you really need an additional bottle of hand lotion, and of course, my favorite, use your public library. It encourages developing hobbies that don’t cost a lot.

This book lauds quality of life over quantity and that isn’t a bad place to be.

 I really enjoyed this book and would recommend it to others looking to improve their life. It was humorous and informative. A great read! Reading Level: Adult.

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