Crash Proof, How to Profit from the Coming Economic Collapse, by Peter D. Schiff. Schiff provides an insightful view of his thoughts about our economy’s direction and provides valuable information for protecting your finances. Although this book was published in Febrary of 2007, he predicted the economic downturn and rising gold prices. It is real life information for real life situations and very applicable to this moment. A good book.
Author: NEKLS
This book, for young adults, has convinced me that I should expand my reading beyond the adult section of the library. It is a great book and left me wanting more from this author.
Fanboy feels he is the high school loser. He has only one good friend and could be labeled a victim in his high school. Goth Girl is the newcomer with an all black wardrobe and issues of her own. They form a bond that enables Fanboy to challenge the bullies and face his challenges, but Goth Girl has troubles of her own.
I did not want this book to end.
Katie Bear is practicing for the Ice Show when she starts to feel ill. The doctor suggests she stay home from school for a few days. While recovering she helps her mother bake cookies. A few days later she is well enough to be in the Ice Show, where she delivers a winning performance. This is a good book to introduce children to doctor visits. Parents guide included. Reading level: pre school-1st grade