library activities summer reading

Summer Reading Information for Teens (6th-12th grade)

How the Teen Summer Reading Program Works:

Start logging and earning Book Bucks on Saturday, June 1.

You must be signed up for summer reading to start earning Book Bucks. You may spend your Book Bucks on prizes in the teen prize case anytime during summer reading, or save them for the teen prize auction (or do both!).

The Summer Reading Teen Prize Auction is Friday, July 26 at 3:30pm. Bid on prizes with Book Bucks you have earned. Prizes include gift cards, electronics, books, bath and body products, Squishmallows, and much more!

You do not have to be present at the auction to bid. If you are not able to attend the auction, see the front desk for a bidding sheet so a designated staff member can bid in your absence.

How to Earn Book Bucks:

Earn $1 in Book Bucks for each VISIT TO THE LIBRARY. Starting Tuesday June 6, visit the Front Desk and get $1 in Book Bucks just for coming into the library. Maximum $1 per teen per day.

Earn $5 in Book Bucks for an OUTSIDE ACTIVITY (fishing, playing a sport, visiting a museum, camping, etc). Maximum one activity per day.

Earn $5 in Book Bucks for every 60 MINUTES YOU READ & LOG ONLINE OR IN YOUR LOG BOOK. Books must be Middle Grade Level (5-8) and up. What counts: fiction, non-fiction, graphic novels, manga, eBooks, comics, and audiobooks. You may also log time spent reading to a younger child or someone who needs assistance.

Earn $5 in Book Bucks when you participate in or assist with a SUMMER PROGRAM EVENT OR CRAFT.

Earn $20 in Book Bucks when you MEET THE TEEN SUMMER PROGRAM GOAL by reading for 600 minutes/10 hours. You may continue earning Book Bucks after you’ve completed the goal.

**Unused Book Bucks can be carried over from year to year, but are only good at the Nortonville Public Library.

**Book bucks are not real money and can only be used for summer reading at the Nortonville Public Library.

Questions? Email Greta, Library Director: or visit the front desk.

library activities summer reading Uncategorized

Summer Reading Information for Children and Adults

People of all ages (babies to adults!) are invited to participate in our 2024 Summer Reading Program at the Nortonville Public Library. During the program, we have activities most days. We offer events for all ages, including teens (going into the 6th grade or older).

HOW TO GET PRIZES: For every 60 minutes read (or being read to), or 5 activities (outdoor, educational, or library), participants get one entry into the grand prize drawing and may pick one item from the prize case.

You can also earn a brag tag for every five hours you read!

We love to see our patrons reading during the summer, but for those that can’t read yet, don’t enjoy reading, or have difficulty reading, you may log activities as well. We don’t want to pressure you to read, we want you to enjoy it! Eligible activities include scheduled library events, outdoor activities like camping, baseball games, etc, and educational activities such as a visit to a museum or aquarium. You may log up to one activity per day.

ANY READING COUNTS! Graphic novels, novels, picture books, audiobooks, e-books, chapter books, comics, magazines, they all count.

Registration is not required to attend our events and crafts; however, reading and activities will not count toward prizes until registration is complete. Minutes read or activities done from June 1 until July 26 will count.

Prizes change continuously and the case is always fully stocked. Readers can continue earning prizes during the program, simply ask for new reading/activity logs. The grand prize drawing will be held on Friday, July 26that 4pm. We have several grand prizes to choose from and readers can win more than one grand prize. All entries must be submitted by 3pm on July 26 to qualify. ALL EVENTS AND CRAFTS ARE FREE.

Questions?? Just ask!

library activities summer reading

Summer Reading Registration is Open!

The form to sign up for summer reading is ready! Fill out this form online or at the library, and then join us June 1st at 10am for the summer reading kickoff party.